The flame casts lovely glows through the coloured beads.
I'm thinking to make one for each person and lay on the table beside the wine glass.
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The pictures of Christmas food made the most colourful pieces. They look really jolly hung up.
I also made a Christmas mobile with a wire coathanger. On this one there's a string of glass beads (use a broken necklace), felt stars (I stuffed with fleece and sewed on right side with blanket stitch), and snowflakes. You can use scraps of white paper from partly-used printer paper. Just trace around a circular object, cut out the circle and fold in half. Fold in half again and as many times as you can, so you have a cone. Snip out little triangles, star and circle shapes with scissors, then unfold and hang with narrow ribbon or jute string.
It's weird having snow motifs for a summer Christmas, but it does make you feel cooler!
However for larger family gifts I've got another tactic - fabric wrapping.
I found some really pretty Christmas tea towels at Spotlight. Now, this is wapping you can re-use an unlimited number of times - immediately!